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is a proven treatment for all stages of wounds, even the most severe. It’s been tried and tested time after time with an impressive success rate.

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ReCelltis is a new drug formulation that is effective against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), a bacterial infection that is very hard to treat. In laboratory test, research confirmed ReCellTis was active against all strains of MRSA presented during the test.


What do our customers say

Bella Andrews
Bella Andrews
In recommending ReCellTis™ to your patients, you place their well-being and your reputation on a path to success. At ReCellTis™, you can count on quality service support, an award-winning staff to support you and your patients. Because we understand that wounds can be a big burden on patients, simply fax orders to (915) 217-1225 and ReCellTis™ will be mailed directly to their home. Our courteous staff will contact the patient and help them process the payment.
Stanley Saunders
Stanley Saunders
ReCellTis™ works because of the impressive combination of ingredients and Proprietary Technology used in the formulation.