Heals 4x faster
kills infections
ReCellTis™ is dedicated to helping persons with acute (new or recent) or chronic (longstanding) wounds. It has proven to heal stage 3 & 4 wounds in an average time of 1-3 months. The time may vary depending on patient’s condition. Ask your doctor if ReCellTis™ is right for you.
ReCellTis Wound Cream is a proprietary topical wound cream to treat acute & chronic wounds such as diabetic wounds, pressure ulcers (bed sores), post-surgical wounds, and most open wounds from Stage 1 to Stage 4 with a proven effectiveness.
Wounds that won’t heal are not only painful, they can also lead to further complications to your health. ReCellTis™ specializes in persons who suffer from chronic, non-healing wounds — With an advanced technology ReCellTis™ helps restore your quality of life. ReCellTis™ can treat a variety of wounds, including:
- Skin tears and lacerations
- Cuts, scrapes, burns
- Road Rash - Road Burn - Motorcycle Road Rash - Skateboarding Road Rash
- Post-operative infected wounds - Surgical wounds - Plastic Surgery wound aftercare
- Wounds caused by radiation treatment or trauma - Cancer radiation skin burn - Skin Burn
- Runners Rash
- Diabetic wounds
- Decubitis Ulcers - AKA: Bedsores - AKA: Pressure Ulcers - elbows - hips - feet - buttocks, heels, back, etc.
- Post-operative infected wounds - Surgical wounds
- Skin Infections - Cellulitis (a MRSA infection) - MRSA or Staph Infected wounds - Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
- Fungal Infections - Nail fungus - Toenail fungus infections - Fingernail fungal infections - Skin Fungus infections - Jock Itch - Athletes foot
Diabetic wounds
Diabetic Sores
Bed Sores
ReCellTis is the solution
How it works
ReCellTis has proven to heal chronic stage 3 & 4 wounds 4 times faster than average within weeks and not months or years, other wound care products can take 1 ½ - 2 years, in several cases 2-10 years or end in amputation.
Diabetics & Amputations
Many people with diabetes loose sensation on their feet due to the illness. Because of this, sometimes a wound will appear and the person does not realize there’s a wound until it’s too late. Healing diabetic wounds can take years or even lead to amputations. ReCellTis™ has proven to successfully heal wounds on patients facing amputation, therefore avoiding the trauma of losing a limb.
Interested in ReCellTis?
Why ReCellTis™ is different:
Traditional wound cream formulations either contain one antibiotic to kill or inhibit microbes or an enzyme to chew off old tissue. ReCellTis proprietary formulation provides numerous benefits besides killing microbes. ReCellTis™ contains 4 antibiotics with boosted antibacterial efficiency (Zinc, Silver), thus providing much broader anti-microbial spectrum coverage along with antifungal properties.
ReCellTis™ provides:
Improved Quality of Life
Increased Healing Speed
Reduction in Medical Health Care Burden